Saturday, June 26, 2010


So much has been said, on the radios, the TVs, on Twitter, Facebook, and blogs everywhere, and I know that I don't have anything earth-shattering to add to the discussion in regards to the G20, the protesting, and the rioting going on downtown today. All I want to say is that it was an unreasonably idiotic idea to hold this meeting in the downtown core of the most densely populated city in the country. This violence and destruction might be more than was expected, but it can hardly be a surprise that small groups of demonstrators have turned violent.

It's too bad that the media seems to be having trouble distinguishing between true and passionate protesters and pointless and angry anarchists with nothing especially poignant to say. It's too bad that a few people are going to be taking attention and funding away from the most important issues by causing all of this destruction. It's too bad that the most powerful governments can't detach themselves from the romantic idea of meeting in person in a big beautiful city. Why not skype? Why not go somewhere really really small?

Instead of entering in to a full-fledged rant, I instead offer you readers this photograph. I found it touching, saddening, and beautiful all at once. Let me know what you think.

No Blood to Spare

Yesterday, like a good blond, I showed up for work two minutes late. While chatting with a few coworkers on my way in, one said, "Wait, why are you here?" Turns out I had switched shifts with the girl downstairs and wasn't supposed to be working that day. So instead I volunteered to go get a goodbye card for my friend who's just quit the store, and while shopping, I remembered that Canadian Blood Services has an office in the Manulife centre, so I dropped by to see if they'd take some of my precious life serum.

Now, I have tried to give blood twice before. Once, I didn't have enough iron because I was a teenage girl and that's what we don't have, and the second time I had a cold. Turns out you can't donate if your blood is sick. Who knew? This time, I was prepared. I have been taking iron supplements on an off since my anemic diagnoses at age 16, just so that I would be able to give blood. And so that I wouldn't sleep in so much. You'd think I'd have clued in since I showed up two minutes late for work because I had slept in that I was going to have the iron problem again, but I figured it was worth a shot. I was of course, rejected. My blood didn't sink down in the little vial of blue liquid, and so they put me in a room with this lady who told me that although I had enough iron for my own self, I didn't have any to spare for anyone else. Then she to eat red meat, liver, spinach, and raisins, and to help myself anyway to the complimentary Starbucks treats around the corner.

Problem is, I like raisins. But that's it. I was vegetarian for four years, and it seems my tastes kind of held on afterward, and I haven't liked red meat since. Except for salami and bacon. But they're not really red meat, they're little bites of heaven. And spinach is simply for fools. And who in their right mind would eat LIVER? It's the body's filter!!!!

However, I was not to be defeated. I went straight to my local No Frills, bought a giant bag of salad spinach, and headed for the meat section. Turns out, I have no idea how to purchase red meat. I left the store with a package of almost-expired hamburger, and a bottle of Diana Sauce, teriyaki flavour. So I ask those of you with more experience: what do I do?

Until I figure it out, I will continue to eat spinach salad, and lots of raisins with my granola, and I will continue to knit on this puppy:

This pattern is Cheesylove from, with a few major changes. I've removed all the fussy ruffles from the waist and sleeves, and will be shortening the sleeves to about a 3/4 length. The yarn is a great scratchy upcycle from an old-man sweater I got for about $9 at Value Village. I have yet to decide what colour my hearts will be, but today I'm leaning toward a nice heathery grey. I'm a bit concerned that the heart section will be a bit stretched across the...bust area, but Ravelry (see linKs) shows a few well-endowed ladies whose hearts look just fine. Speaking of busts, I'm also entertaining the idea of cutting the neck of the sweater a bit lower. We'll see...

Thanks for reading!

Friday, June 25, 2010


So I'm back to blogging. For those of you who were around during the Tourbillion years, the aim of this project is a little different. For those of you who weren't, welcome! My name is Amelia, and I live in Toronto. I play the flute professionally, and I knit, spin, design, and crochet obsessively on the side. This blog will chiefly serve as a place to share the craft-related aspects of my life, as well as anything else that is on my mind.

As this opening blog post is tot ally the hardest one to write, I'm not really going to spend much time fussing over it, and just say 'hi, this is me' and then dive right in. If you've already met me, there's really not much new to say, and if you haven't, I'd rather you just read these posts for what they are and not concern yourself so much with who's writing them. You'll get to know me as we go along, or not. No biggie!

And because photos always make a post better, here's a picture of my cat jamming his large body into my flute bag, since it' s funny and adorable.
